What is a Managed Service Provider?

A Managed Service Provider, often referred to as an MSP, is an organization’s partner that cares for their information technology (IT) infrastructure – thus enabling it to function more effectively and efficiently.    An MSP manages a customer’s IT infrastructure and/or end-user systems – either remotely or onsite – typically on a proactive basis and under a contractual arrangement that spells out the performance and quality metrics that will govern the relationship.

On many occasions, an MSP can augment an organization’s internal IT staff by collaborating on mundane network operations maintenance, continous monitoring of server, storage and backup infrastructure, and day-to-day operations and support desk duties. Organizations are increasingly relying on outside providers for part of their IT needs and MSPs generally complement rather than replace internal IT.

In many instances, having a reputable MSP is far less expensive than hiring, training and retaining internal IT staff.  For the organizations that do not have an IT staff, there is always a staff member that is the go-to “IT person”.  Using an MSP allows that staff member to focus on the company’s business instead of handling IT issues – to the betterment of the bottom line.

MSPs have experience with a variety of businesses and organizations.  They can keep your business relevant and on track with continually evolving technology, support and productivity demands.   It’s a fact that no small or medium sized organization can afford to fall behind with technology trends in today’s business world.

Services performed by Managed Service Providers can include:

Ultimately, most small to mid-sized organizations live and die by proactive management.  They just haven’t had the budget, resources or access to on-demand expertise to be proactive with information technology management.

Managed Service Providers can decrease the overall IT support costs by as much as 30% to 50% versus retaining a full time IT staff. Rather than being stressed about technology, leaders can instead get back to focusing on their organizations while enjoying the benefits of highly-trained IT experts boosting their network’s reliability and performance.


Want to learn how an MSP can help your organization function more efficiently and effectively?  Check out these blogs for more information:



On Key

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