The Most Dangerous Myths About Cloud Data Backup and Security

For businesses, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions like Office 365 and G-Suite offer opportunities to enhance efficiency, scalability, and overall operations when it comes to file management. However, because your files are stored in the cloud, many believe that cloud backups are no longer needed.  This generates a growing number of backup-related misconceptions, which have the potential to hurt your business growth.


Don’t let these 3 myths put your business at risk


Myth 1: My SaaS solution is completely secure.

While leading SaaS solutions like Office 365, G-Suite and Salesforce do offer top-of-the-line security along with robust recovery features, the truth is that they aren’t completely foolproof against all threats. They can’t protect your business data from malicious insiders, accidental deletions, or hackers. If your cloud host is your one source of your data, once that data is destroyed, it is gone forever.


Solution: Having a second copy of your data is essential to maintain business continuity. By regularly backing up your cloud data, you reduce the possibility of a data integrity or access issue becoming a work stop disaster.


Myth 2: My SaaS provider is solely responsible for my data security.

There is a widely held misconception that your SaaS provider is solely responsible for protecting your cloud data. The truth, however, is much different. While a cloud provider is expected to implement robust security to protect your data, at the end of the day, the business or organization must play an active role in data protection.


Solution: Proactive steps like training your employees on Security Awareness, implementing access control steps, and configuring and regularly updating a separate data copy can ensure your data remains secure in the cloud.


Myth 3: My SaaS provider’s backup is all I need.

While some of the top SaaS providers offer features such as Recycle Bins and Vaults that can store accidentally deleted files, these solutions have limitations, including size and longevity, and do not offer comprehensive backup and recovery. Should you fail to realize a file was inadvertently moved to the recycle bin until after the end of the data retention period, that file will be unrecoverable.


Solution: Many backup solutions hold your data for longer than the 90-day window offered by most cloud providers. Consider taking the help of an experienced IT service provider who can recommend and monitor a backup solution to ensure the safety of your data and enhancing your cloud security.


Elevate your data security with a strategic partnership

In the age of SaaS data solutions, routinely backing up your data remains a critical part of a robust cybersecurity risk mitigation strategy. By partnering with an IT service provider like Summit Business Technologies, you can build a comprehensive SaaS backup and recovery strategy that suits your business needs and will protect your business’ most precious asset. Your data.


Let data recovery be the last of your worries! Contact us today for a free consultation and learn how our IT team can be your strategic partner.

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