The Summer of Managed Services

Going away for the summer? 

Adding an MSSP to your team, the cost-effective way to back up your internal team and support your network. 

In today’s economy, all companies either big or small will need some form of IT infrastructure.  Whether it is handling payments, client data, or simply working on presentations or proposals, just about every aspect of our day-to-day workload is based on technology.  With all the systems utilized to work efficiently, supporting and monitoring that infrastructure is still a job that requires human oversight, and those people are ones that do need to take a vacation from time to time.   

However, by partnering with a Managed Service and Security Provider (MSSP), your employees can rest assured they IT needs are being handled at all times and should you maintain an internal team, your  IT employees can take a much-needed breather.  Thus, your system will be better supported and protected than you might believe. 

MSSPs are far more cost effective than internal staffing. 

The average salary for a single IT professional was approximately $50,000 a year in 2019.  This doesn’t include benefits or other expenses.  In addition, depending on the size of your company, one IT professional alone may not be able to get the job done.  With an MSP, however you have access to a full team of IT professionals at a fraction of the salary of one in-house individual.  In addition, when one team member takes time off, there are several other team members ready to assist you should something go wrong. 

Better Support by being proactive not reactive. 

One of the biggest costs to your company is when a piece of your infrastructure goes down.  Not only can the fix be expensive, but the downtime to your employees adds on to that cost as well.  An MSP can provide you with the right tools and personnel to monitor your infrastructure and if necessary, correct any issues before they cause a problem, reducing your downtime and ensure your employees are able to function efficiently.  

Network Security is no longer a nice to have it is a necessity. 

In today’s connected working world, it is no longer a matter of if you will be under cyber-attack but when will it happen.  Between 2018 and 2019 the FBI saw a 50% increase in cybercrime complaints, and it only got worse in the beginning of 2020.  Those attacks cost small businesses on average over $200,00 per attack.  Having an MSSP on your payroll, means you have a team of cyber security professionals that can maintain your network security tools and keep up on the latest tactics criminals will use to gain access to your system.  

All the benefits of a full IT department, none of the overhead 

Large corporations typically have full departments devoted to maintaining their infrastructure, onboarding and offboarding employees, and maintaining round the clock monitoring for system intrusions.  All in all, this can run a hefty price tag. With an MSP however, you get to leverage the experience, the number of employees and technical tools, that larger corporations have within their IT departments, but without having to internally staff said department or find additional space for the team. 

How can Summit Help? 

At Summit with our 30+ year history of providing IT support for a range of businesses, we have the knowledge and expertise to serve you and your company.  Ensuring your day-to-day work is not hampered or limited by unexpected downtime.  We can not only help you maintain your current systems, but also help you prepare for future upgrades.  All while ensuring your current system is protected from attack.  Contact us if you would like to schedule a call to discuss our Managed Service strategy in further detail, or fill out the below form and one of our MSSP Specialists will be in touch.


On Key

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