Hosting a Virtual Holiday Party

This year, the holidays are going to look a little different for everyone, especially coworkers. But don’t let it get you down, because we’ve got some great holiday tips to help liven any virtual holiday party:

Holiday Decorating Showcase 

Highlight your holiday spirit with a festive dressing of your home office space. Lights, tinsel, and classic winter imagery will both liven your environment and enchant your colleagues. For extra fun, showcase each window one-by-one on a holiday tour.  

Holiday Playlists

An easy one: Use Spotify, Pandora, Apple Music or your other favorite streaming service to set synchronized listening for all staff. Each offer plenty of holiday streaming options, but feel free to curate your own. Better yet, why not have each staff member pick a few of their favorite seasonal songs, and compile a collaborative playlist for all to enjoy.   

Amazon Swap (free shipping!)  

If you’re anything like our office, a gift-exchange is an integral part of the holiday tradition. This year why not make lemon out of lemonade and opt for a super-convenient Amazon swap. With gifts ordered directly from Amazon or other online retailers, selection and shipping are a breeze. Set an order-by date for staff and enjoy opening gifts together at your virtual holiday party.   

Make Sure All Networks are Secure 

Nothing ruins a good virtual office party like an expensive Malware attack. With new Office malware for 2020 reaching over 700% higher than the previous year, it’s more vital than ever to keep a secure network and extend that security to every employee working from home. Wifi connections themselves can be a dangerous pathway for hacking. Making sure to have anti-virus protection and a solid firewall setup are a must for a safe journey into 2021. Check out our blog about good cyber hygeine  for more tips to keep your home network safe.   

Bonus tips: 

  • Ugly Sweaters read great on camera!  
  • Keep beverages away from computer
  • And don’t forget – your coworkers can see you! 


On Key

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